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Elmhurst Youth Baseball & Softball

Elmhurst Youth Baseball & Softball


EYB offers opportunities to play both at the travel level as well as "house" recreational baseball.  All of the programs are focused on development first and foremost and EYB partners with the Chicago White Sox to assist with development through camps and clinics.

EYB has both spring and fall programs. All programs are based off the Little League Age Charts.  For our Fall program it is based off the upcoming (next year) age chart to allow participants to get a sense of what the upcoming divisions would look like. 

The EYB Spring League* generally runs from April through late June. This includes pre-season practice beginning in early April and Games beginning toward the end of April. Games run through the end of June.

For our younger divisions games are generally played primarily on Saturday's, and once you progress to our Comp Division and above games will primarily be played on Saturday's as well as one/two weekday games. 

If a game is rained out during the week, that game will be played on Sunday. 

The EYB Fall League* generally runs in September through mid-October. Practices will be before games in most cases during the Fall Season. 

*EYB Baseball and Softball Leagues in some cases may include traveling to nearby towns to play house games* 

**All practices/games scheduling is based on availability of fields throughout our town**

Baseball Divisions

T-Ball Division - Kids who have not played baseball, players with less than one year of organized baseball or are not yet able to hit a coach pitched baseball should play in our T-Ball Division. Teams are set up so players can play with their friends as much as possible.  Practice will consist of drills and skill competitions.  This is an introduction to baseball where the focus is on skill development and baseball rules.  The game is played with a soft baseball. Games are 3 innings, with each player batting once in each inning.

Farm Division - Live pitching is introduced in our Fall Farm Division for current kids who have played at least One full  season in our T-ball or half a season in our spring Farm Division. The next steps in baseball are taught at this level and defensive outs are recorded in addition to working on catching and throwing. Games are 5 innings long, with an inning ending when 9 batters come to the plate or 3 outs are recorded by the defensive team. A softer baseball is still used. 

Comp Division (Coach/Kid Pitch) - If you feel your child is ready for a more competitive style of baseball, try our Competitive Division. Players who have played one full year (spring and fall) in our Farm Division are eligible for Comp. In this division, coaches will pitch innings 1, 2, & 5 and kids will pitch innings 3 & 4 with a no walk and no stealing rule. Games are played with a real baseball. Players are expected to confidently catch and throw a hard league baseball in this Division. 

Minor Division - The first steps toward playing a real baseball game occur in the Minor Division. This division is for the next age group up and full kid pitch. Games are 6 innings long.  Players are expected to confidently catch and throw a hard league baseball in this Division. 

Major Division - A few more elements of the game are added in the Major Division. This division is generally for players turning 11 and 12. Players are introduced to Bunting and Stealing in this Division and play 6 innings. 

Junior Division - Bases are lengthened to 80 feet, pitching to 54 feet and Lead-offs and Pick-offs are added to the Pony Division.  This division is generally for players turning 13 - 14.

Senior Division - Bases are lengthened to 90 feet, pitching to 60 feet 6 inches.  Games are 9 innings. This division is generally for players turning 15 - 17.

Palomino Division - Bases are lengthened to 90 feet, pitching to 60 feet 6 inches.  Games are 9 innings. This division is generally for players turning 17 - 18.

Thoroughbred Division - Bases are lengthened to 90 feet, pitching to 60 feet 6 inches.  Games are 9 innings. This division is generally for players turning 18-21.

Registration for our Spring Baseball league will begin in October/November each year.
Registration for our Fall Baseball League will begin in June/July each year. 

NOTE: If you're interested in having your child play at a league level other than their Little League age-determined level, you must request permission of the EYB Board to play at a different level. Please register your child for their age-appropriate level, and if you would like to request Board consideration, please send an email to [email protected]


The Spring League generally runs from April through late June. Our house softball program will focus on development through developmental clinics and camps. This will allow for girls to learn the proper techniques to help develop a strong foundation to participate in games and allow them to grow to participate into softball tournaments and travel programs.

Girls House Softball - Elmhurst Youth Softball is an exciting opportunity for young girls to build the skills and confidence while playing softball. Players of all ages and skill levels in Elmhurst and surrounding communities.  

Teams will be created by the following age Divisions:

Rookie - Girls ages 4 to 6 are invited to play in our Rookie Division. Parents will also be introduced to the basic rules of softball and will assist coaches as they prepare for the games.

8u Division - Girls ages 6 to 8 are invited to play in our 8u Division.  Games are generally 4 innings in length and will be played in a local Softball League against other house teams.  Girls will be introduced to pitching. Certified Little League 11 inch balls are used.

10U Division - Girls ages 9 to 10 are invited to play in our 10U Division.  Games are generally 6 innings in length and will be played in a local Softball League against other house teams. Girls will be pitching. Certified Little League 11 inch balls are used.

12U Division - Girls ages 11 to 12 are invited to play in our 12U Division.  Games are generally 6 innings in length or 2 hours and will be played in a local Softball League against other house teams. Girls will be pitching. Certified Little League 12 inch balls are used.

14U Division - Girls ages 13 to 14 are invited to play in our 14U Division.  Games are generally 6 innings in length and will be played in a local Softball League against other house teams. Girls will be pitching. Certified Little League 12 inch balls are used.

Registration for our Spring Softball league will begin in October/November each year.

NOTE: If you're interested in having your child play at a league level other than their Little League age-determined level, you must request permission of the EYB Board to play at a different level. Please register your child for their age-appropriate level, and if you would like to request Board consideration, please send an email to [email protected].*EYB Softball Leagues may include traveling to nearby towns to play house games. 



Elmhurst Youth Baseball and Softball

EMAIL: [email protected]

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